Media Science and Technology

Mediterranean School for Advanced Studies

MSAS Media Science and Technology


School site

The courses are held at the

Mediterranean School of Advanced Studies in
Media Science and Technology

92, Boulevard du 9 Avril 1938
Tunis 1007
phone +216 71 567 322
fax +216 71 560 633

Admission procedure

A maximum of 40 students is enrolled per year (20 for specialization), 30 from Tunisia and 10 from Mediterranean Universities (Italy, Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Mauritania).
Admission is based on the candidate's curriculum, professional expertise and on an interview.
The period of secondment is covered by a grant to guarantee the student's effective presence in the host Company.

The application form can be sent via web, e-mail or fax by November 6, 2006.
For further information please contact: Secretariat, Mediterranean School of Advanced Studies in Media Science and Technology, 92, Boulevard du 9 Avril 1938 - Tunis 1007, phone +216 71 567 322, fax +216 71 560 633, e-mail:, Internet:

Tests and requirements

Students are required to attend classes for 5 days a week, 6 hours a day, for a total of 18 weeks of classes.
To be admitted to the evaluation tests is required the attendance of at least 80% of the activities. The admission must be authorized by the Director of the School if this constraint is not satisfied.

At the end of each course students must pass a test relating to the course content. At the end of the stage the diploma is given on the basis of the evaluation of the work project illustrated in a public dissertation.

A minimum attendance rate of 80% is required before evaluation tests can be taken. Admittance is authorized only by the Director of the School in cases where this requirements is not fulfilled.

Work projects

Students will work in teams under the supervision of a tutor. Work projects share common features, such as:

  • the participation of a representative of the sponsoring Companies, which both support the School and monitor the results of these projects;
  • projects are result-oriented: Companies take part in the supervision process because they are interested in adopting solutions to situations proposed;
  • strict time schedule and team work, which are meant to foster self- reliability and the ability to work in a team with colleagues;
  • problem solving: in this respect, suggestions from both inside and outside the School are welcome.

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